Day 2: NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Global Surgery Annual Research Prioritisation Workshop

By |November 2nd, 2018|GlobalSurg RCT, GS3, NIHR Unit on Global Surgery|

Lion's Den Result The fantastic microstudy presentations from yesterday culminated this morning with the results. The exceptionally high standard of all the studies made the judging challenging. In Oscars-style, Antonio and Jean-Leon announced the winners. Mela from the Philippines with her innovative stoma study came first. Rachel from South Africa with her burns study was [...]

Reminder: final week of data collection for GlobalSurg 3

By |October 29th, 2018|GS3|

Last week of data collection for GlobalSurg 3 Final date for new patients to be entered into the study is 31st October 2018 GlobalSurg 3 Update  8937 patients now entered into GlobalSurg 3 from 77 countries! Thank you to everyone collecting date Follow live updates at Reminder: Data Collection & Data Entry Deadlines All [...]

October Newsletter

By |October 18th, 2018|GS3, Newsletter|

October Newsletter The Global Surgical Outcomes Collaboration GlobalSurg 3 Update  GlobalSurg 3 is in the final month of data collection and patient numbers are increasing rapidly - now over 7000!. Thanks to the hard work of our collaborators all around the world, the study is on target to be the biggest ever international study into surgical outcomes [...]

GlobalSurg 3 in Numbers – October Update

By |October 17th, 2018|GS3|

GlobalSurg 3 in Numbers - October update 2748 researchers, 569 hospitals, 95 countries, 7005 patients! Over 1500 patients have been entered into the study since our last update at the beginning of October Follow live updates at  Click here to register and join 2748 researchers at 569 hospitals collecting data to help improve patient outcomes Recruitment [...]

Final week to begin data collection for GlobalSurg 3

By |October 1st, 2018|GS3, Newsletter|

October is the last month of data collection for GlobalSurg 3 Final data collection periods must start this week; last date to begin data collection is October 4th 2018 Don't miss your chance to be part of our next major publication!  The Global Surgical Outcomes Collaboration    Data Collection Deadlines All 4-week periods must concluded [...]

GS3: 5222 patients & counting! October is the final month for data collection

By |September 28th, 2018|GS3|

October is the final month for GlobalSurg 3 data collection Last date to begin data collection is Oct 4th 2018 Don't miss your chance to be part of the next major GlobalSurg publication! If you have registered to take part in the study but not yet started your data collection, you [...]

GlobalSurg 3 in Numbers – September update

By |September 20th, 2018|GS3|

GlobalSurg 3 in Numbers - September update 2414 researchers, 518 hospitals, 94 countries, nearly 5000 patients  An amazing 94 countries are now registered for GlobalSurg 3- can you help us reach our target of 100? If you are in a country not yet coloured pink on our registrations map, please consider joining GlobalSurg 3 and contributing [...]

September Newsletter – call for GS3 Validators

By |September 18th, 2018|GS3, Newsletter|

  September Newsletter The Global Surgical Outcomes Collaboration Call for Validators GlobalSurg 3 Validation Study Data validation for GlobalSurg 3 will take place between October 2018 and February 2019. The purpose of the validation study is to demonstrate that the dataset is of high quality to facilitate publication in a high impact medical journal. The validation [...]

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