September Newsletter

The Global Surgical Outcomes Collaboration

GlobalSurg 3: the story so far  

GlobalSurg 3 is now is the final stages of data analysis and manuscript preparation.  It has been our biggest and most complex study to date and has relied on the hard work and dedication of literally thousands of individuals all around the world.

The GlobalSurg team have recently been reflecting on quite how much has been achieved in a relatively short period of time – from initial study inception in Johannesburg back in November 2017, to a fully validated dataset of over 16,000 surgical cancer patients less than 2 years later. Not to mention the establishment of a network of >100 National Leads, the development of live data reporting tools, new means of communication with our teams (Podcasts, SlackChats, blogs) and the beginning of the SurgStreet collaboration with the GapMinder Foundation that have happened along the way.

We realise that for teams who joined the study at right at the beginning, it may seem there has been a lag between their contribution of 4-weeks of data in April 2018 and the generation of the results and publications. However, there has been a lot going on in this time! We have put together the figure above to illustrate just how the study has been progressing and how the project management team and data collection teams have been interacting to generate the final, fully validation GlobalSurg 3 dataset.

It been a busy few years for everyone taking part in GlobalSurg 3 but we have learned a lot and established cutting edge tools and techniques in the field of medical data collection on a truly global scale – we hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as we have!

Early Results

The data is still being fully analysed, but you can see the preliminary patient inclusion numbers below – also available on the GlobalSurg Data Centre – follow for updates.

What Happens Next?

The next major task for the project management team, along side the data analysis and manuscript writing, is production of the study authorship list. Our inclusive publication policy means that every individual who actively contributed data to the study will be named as a collaborator on all publications arising from the study.

We are now in the process of generating the Authorship for the GlobalSurg 3 publications. It is a massive undertaking to make sure everyone who contributed data to the study is included. The final list will contain >2000 individuals in >80 countries. Use of the ORCID ID will make this process much more straight forward than has been the case previously.

We will shortly circulate a PDF containing the names, listed by country and hospital, of all those who will be included in the final authorship list.

In the meantime, you can help by ensuring your name is correct on your ORCID ID profile, and is exactly as you wish it to appear on the final publication – we will not be accepting any corrections to name spellings by email; you must make changes on your ORCID ID profile. Only accidental omission or inclusions will be dealt with by email.

Are you following the GlobalSurg podcasts? 
If you haven’t yet heard the podcasts from the GlobalSurg
team, you can find them all on our soundcloud – look for the podcast logo to hear discussions on use of the WHO checklist, GlobalSurg 3 data collection, and GlobalSurg 3 data validation
Have you got a topic you’d like us to feature in a podcast? Would you like to join us to record a podcast about your experience of taking part in a GlobalSurg study? Email us on [email protected] – we’d love to hear from you!

Update on the NIHR FALCON Trial 

The FALCON trial, testing interventions to reduce surgical site infection in low and middle income countries, has recently opened to recruitment in Nigeria – the trial is now actively recruiting at 11 hospitals, in 5 countries across 3 continents. Patient recruitment has now passed 400!

For full information on the trial and regular study updates, please visit the FALCON website and follow the news posts available on our website.


GlobalSurg and the NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Global Surgery – working together to improve surgical outcomes for patients all around the world.

Invitation to take part in an international Delphi exercise

The Core Outcomes for Early PHasE Surgical Innovation and deViceEs (COHESIVE) 
study is aiming to develop a core outcomes set and reporting guidelines for new surgical devices and procedures
The study team are inviting healthcare, research and industry professionals interested in decision-making and monitoring the safety and effectiveness of new surgeries and surgical devices to take part in this Delphi exercise.  

To take part in the study, please click here to visit the study website and access the survey. 

Deadline for participation: September 15th

GlobalSurg and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

New data protection rules come into force in Europe at the end of May 2018.
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The GlobalSurg network grows stronger and stronger thanks to your help. Please share this email with national and international colleagues, especially those in countries not yet represented on our registration map.

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