GlobalSurg 3 Protocol Launch

The Global Surgical Outcomes Collaboration

Calling all GlobalSurg 3 collaborators

The GlobalSurg 3 protocol is available now

GlobalSurg 3Quality and outcomes after cancer surgery; a prospective, international cohort study

This study will be open to all hospitals performing surgery for breast, gastric and colorectal surgery, anywhere in the world.

Data collection will be by teams of 3 collaborators in 4 week periods between April and October 2018. Data collection can be performed by anyone from medical students upwards. All collaborators receive authorship on any publications from the study

If you would like to register for GlobalSurg 3, you will need an ORCID ID first. ORCID gives every researcher a unique digital identifier which will make registering for GlobalSurg 3 simpler and, importantly, will make the authorship list generated at the end of study more accurate
If you do not have an ORCID ID, please sign up for one here

Collaborator registrations for GlobalSurg 3 will open later this month

Could you be a GlobalSurg National Lead?

GlobalSurg are now recruiting National Leads for GlobalSurg 3. The role of National Lead involves setting up the study and co-ordinating teams of collaborators at multiple hospitals in your country.
National Leads receive citation on papers arising from the study
If you would be interested in acting as a GlobalSurg National Lead for GS 3 please contact us via our website

Use our National Leads map to check if your country has a National Lead confirmed for GlobalSurg 3 – if not, we’d love to hear from you!

Please forward to this email to colleagues all around the world

LifeBox Surgical Instrument Survey
Do you work in a low- or middle-income country, or have recent operating room experience at a hospital in this setting?Could we ask for your help completing our short survey for the Lifebox Foundation charity on surgical instruments in lower-resource countriesThe survey is aimed at all operating room staff, including surgeons, nurses, anaesthetists, obstetricians, and general practitioners undertaking surgery, especially those involved in laparotomy procedures and cesarean sections.English survey link:
French survey link:
Spanish survey link:

If you would like to read more about the project, or make a donation to support this work, please visit the Lifebox website:
Many thanks in advance for your help and support.





The GlobalSurg network grows stronger and stronger thanks to your help. Please share this email with national and international colleagues, especially those in countries not yet represented on our registration map.


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