We open this the Seventh edition of the NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Global Surgery newsletter with some exciting news.
  • The no cost extension has been approved by NIHR / DHSC for 6 months.
  • PENGUIN has launched in South Africa and India.
  • The CovdSurg Collaborative has published its first data-driven decision-making report.
Please continue to send us any items that you would like to be included in future editions of the newsletter. We look forward to hearing from you.


We are happy to confirm that the extension to the grant (until 30th September 2021) has been approved by NIHR / DHSC, and we are now in the process of updating the contracts for all the hubs and partners. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our hub teams for their inputs. 
We have also submitted (18th November) an application for Round 2 of NIHR Global Health Research Units, this has been a mammoth task for all who have been involved and we are particularly grateful to our partners for the help with this application. 


The FALCON database has now been locked for analysis. Big thanks to all teams for entering the remaining data and responding to queries promptly – a mammoth effort has been undertaken to achieve this task in a short timeframe and we would like to thank and congratulate the staff involved in data management for your hard work! A particular mention goes out to the Hub Data Managers who have coordinated this huge task across their networks!

PENGUIN has taken its maiden dive – starting recruitment in South Africa on 11/11/2020! Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town was the first site to receive the green light to start recruitment, under the leadership of Co-Chief Investigator, Bruce Biccard. Following close-by is the Indian Spoke of Government Medical College in Patiala, now open to recruitment. The Hub and two further spokes are expected to be activated very soon!
Many thanks and congratulations to the teams for kicking off PENGUIN. These are the first step towards a sea of PENGUIN recruits in the coming months! 


The COVIDSurg collaborative as part of the NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Global Surgery has published its first data-driven decision-making report.
Recovery of surgical services in the post-pandemic era: Surgery 2020-2025
The aim of this report is to support those in surgical planning over the next 5 years, including providers, healthcare leaders, patients, governments, financers and industry. 
It addresses global challenges, but is locally adaptable to hospitals and environments with varying access to resources.
You can download the report free of charge now: https://redcap.link/siureport

Aneel Bhangu and James Glasbey spoke at the Medtronic Webinar on ‘COVID-19 free surgical pathways: do I need one?’

The aim of the webinar was to communicate the published COVIDSurg data as a guide to future safe surgical practice and to guide effective surgical recovery plans.

Top Left – Dr. Aneel Bhangu (University of Birmingham)
Top Right – Dr. James Glaseby (University of Birmingham)
Bottom Left – Prof Neil Mortensen (President of Royal College of Surgeons of England)
Bottom Right – Dr. Kaori Futaba, Associate Professor of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

We would love to hear from you for the next edition of the newsletter.
Please send any updates that you would like included to Tammy Dufty by the 11th of December
Please feel free to forward this newsletter to others that you think might be interested.



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